GV 10 dinghy progress - moved from my long suffering friend Cheryl's basement to her garage to build the dinghy. Stitched the hull together tonight. 1-3/4 hours.
Time to date: 6-3/4 hours.
Progress on the big boat continues as well. I have got the carbon chainplates all glassed in and hopefully watertight. And I've started work on what has to be one of the few carbon / nomex outboard motor brackets around.
One of the few times I've had to say that "stupid previous owner". He liked to fasten down hardware with through bolts that are embedded in epoxy. This cam cleat has machine screws

about 2" long epoxied into a solid mahogany backing block. Heating them doesn't really help because if they get too hot they melt the cleat. Boiling wasn't hot enough. So I'm drilling down around the cleat through the remnants of the deck and backing block and will have to chisel the piece off. A nice hour long job.