March 31, 2011
One Step Forward…
March 29, 2011
Departure Stresses and Sisterly Cures…
March 27, 2011
The Countdown to Departure
We’re days, rather than weeks, from departure now. For the past two days we’ve had a rental car and have been running around gathering up every item that’s on each of our spreadsheets (mine=five pages, single spaced, not including fresh food…).
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and don't worry--we have way more than two bottles of wine... |
March 23, 2011
All In the Name
I was hanging out at the beach recently chatting with Barb, from Whatcha Gonna Do, when she sprang it on me, “I never realized that you were you,” she said. I must have looked puzzled. “What I mean was I never realized that “Kaylee” and “Ceilydh” were the same boat.
March 21, 2011
Plague Ship
He's been down for the count for two days. Which clearly rules out a hangover. While he recuperates (that's wife speak for whines) I've been writing and hitting send. Invoicing and hitting send. And dreaming about the type of work that doesn't involve hitting send...
Thankfully, when it comes to Maia, the village stepped in. And because I have nothing worthy to report about life on Ceilydh—I’ll just link you to Maia’s life elsewhere. The only life she has right now…
March 17, 2011
The job list
So here's my job list. Most of the big jobs are done. Some of the ones that are still to be done are mostly done but I don't cross them off until complete.
Fiberglassing |
Autopilot support arm |
helm chair tube stiffening |
surfboard repair |
parachute sea anchor strong point |
heater vent guard |
Elec |
ammeter |
oil pressure gauge |
replace watermaker toggle switch |
Misc |
autohelm 3000 install |
dinghy lashings |
3rd reef |
wooden deck securing better |
splice sea anchor rodes |
rig inspection |
build new battery shelf/strap |
aft cabin window gasket |
setup Pactor for Winlink |
ditch bag |
manual bilge pump strum box |
Sewing |
MOB flag |
MOB pole drogue |
dinghy drogue |
galerider clone |
stackpack zipper |
luggage tag jackline end |
Paint |
inside aft cabin bhd |
port mid hull lower |
Got the T-shirt
March 14, 2011
A Crew of (Way More Than) Three
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Stew--helping with the diesel |
March 11, 2011
La Cruz Tsunami
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Early on--the water has just begun to churn up |
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Six foot surge over a 5 minute period |
March 10, 2011
Surfing Mexico
March 8, 2011
Jump Off Party at Philo's
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Monica and Andy are heading off about 10 days ahead of us--they're going to scope it all out for us. |
It definitely lived up to it's billing--we had a blast, danced up a storm and said our goodbyes. Now we just have to finish the flipping boat and go...
March 7, 2011
La Social Life
March 6, 2011
Coral’s Quinceañera
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Ivan & Dee, Coral, Stew & Wendy |
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Ramone, Coral & Pat |
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Maia and Carolyne imagine their own parties |
March 4, 2011
Life in La Cruz
March 2, 2011
Calm as it ever Gets
It started out fine. But rather than the wind dropping last night, it began to build. Not to anything dramatic--but between the adverse wind, the adverse seas and a stubbornly adverse current we were making a nauseatingly slow 3.5 knots through the night.
Occasionally we'd hit a steep wave that was big enough to stop us cold. When that happens the boat shudders and bucks and I'd race around trying to see if we caught a fishing net or something. But then we'd start to churn forward, wallowing up and over the next wave.
Our goal, when we set out yesterday, was to have an event free passage. A goal that despite the nasty conditions seemed to be going fine until I was woken from a sound slumber: "The engine's over heating and the tach is going crazy!" Evan called down, before disappearing into the engine compartment.
I was up in a flash--checking our location, course, looking out for hazards etc. Then Evan called me to shut down the engine. There was water in the compartment.
Salt freaking water.
I hate finding water in the boat. It bugs me. Logically I know we're not actually sinking, I know we're nearly impossible to sink. But water doesn't belong in the boat.
I also hate the little dramas that come with these emergencies. Or rather, I did. Something hit me this time--as Evan trouble-shooted, and I offered actual relevant thoughts (through some sort of osmosis a whole bunch of boat stuff has sunk in to me), and Maia did what was needed and helped where she could--we're okay at this. We can handle emergencies.
This is good to know. Because no matter how well prepared we are, stuff is going to break and things are going to go wrong. And Evan--despite being competent at everything boat--can't steer the boat and hold a calmish course while his head's in the engine diagnosing that the water is coming through the shaft seal at high rpms, but only when we hit a wave at a specific angle. And I can't fetch him things if I'm outside steering and sorting things out. And Maia can't help with tools if she hadn't known where they are kept and what they are called.
I would have like an eventless passage. I would have like to have stared at the waves and daydreamed about wonderful things while the ocean went by like a movie.
But I like that our emergency played out without drama--that it was as calm as it ever gets.
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March 1, 2011
Back to La Cruz
Despite the calm--we're still beating into it. Sailing at 5 knots in light wind and lumpy seas. A whale spouted nearby, but we're all lethargic--a factor of trying to find our sea legs after weeks in the flat lagoon and trying to ease our hearts through a hard goodbye.
Yesterday was sad. We spent the day with Hotspur. Unlike every other day with them, where the laughter and chatter flow freely, yesterday there were lots of sighs and quiet moments. This morning Maia and Carolyne wouldn't let go hands:
"Do you remember when we met?" Maia asked. "Our mother's let us have a sleepover! We never even knew each other!"
"And that silly day. Do you remember that?"
"And your laugh. I love your laugh."
"And our kitchen in the rocks."
"Your funny jokes!"
"We have email." Maia said.
"And skype." Carolyne replied.
"And pictures."
"And memories."
And memories.
I called Meri and told her it was time to pick up Carolyne.
I hugged Meri. And Jim. And thought of when we met. And the adventures we've had. And reminded myself we have email. And skype. And pictures. And memories.
And now we're in a convoy heading north on this round earth. Toward friends we said goodbye to fourteen years ago. And I'm reminded that this goodbye will ease, and that this sadness will gradually fade into the comfort of what's sure to become a long friendship.
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